Wiki Home Shop page Order from client

Order from client

client order, shop, priority

To order from the shop from the client side using the icafemenu interface you can follow these steps below.

  1. Click the “Shop” tab  (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. Hover on the item and click the “+” add to cart button (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. Then you can pay either cash, from a credit card or with balance select click the respective button and click the done button. Then the order will be submitted (Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. Shop now has a search box to search for any item (Figure 4).

Figure 4


  1. You can view the offer and accessories separately with the offer button and accessories button on the left respectively.
  2. There will be a sound notification on CP when an order is placed from the client but If you use chrome for CP, you have to click anywhere on the page.
  3. When a member buys an higher priority offer, system will auto switch the client to the higher one.
  4. If the session is post-paid, the payment method would be selected “pay later” that mean the client can paid at the end of the session, When select “cash” that mean client be paid in time and must be confirmed by the admin from the cloud panel (Figure 4 and 5).

Figure 4

Figure 5
