Wiki Home Client Interface Client main board

Client main board

Client, interface

Home Page

Figure 1

  1. Home Menu: Menu to switch between pages Home page, Games Page, Shop Page, Event Page.
  2. Sound: will open sound settings window
  3. Account Setting menu:

Figure 2

When you hover the user profile the drop menu will appear that contains (Figure 2).

  • Account: to convert guest to member
  • Refresh: to refresh ICafeMenu
  • Mouse settings
  • Display: will open Display Settings window
  • Ask help: will send assistance requests to the center staff (Client can request for assistance 1 time every 5 minutes).
  • Feedback: use this to provide feedback to the cafe owners
  • Telegram group link
  • Lock PC: will lock the PC, required password to lock and unlock it
  • Logout: will end your session, you need to confirm checkout when you click the button. Only members and guest accounts can logout from the client side.
  1. Top Games Menu: This menu include top 5 games in the center
  2. User details: like name, offers time remaining, balance, bonus and coins.
  3. Center News: you can put news for center also videos from create center news
  4. Ranking: Will show top members names for last week with score
  5. Promotions: Promoted items is new feature to promote shop item in home screen
  6. Running games and applications: click the icon, you can switch or terminate the games.

Games Page

Here's an explanation about the icafemenu Games Page .

Figure 3

In Games Page you will find:

  1. 3 types of arrange games First to choose which type of games you need to see, Second is favorite games, third is free to play games
  2. Search Bar to search for specific game
  3. Game border (Figure 4)

Figure 4

Now Game border will show the game name and choose the type for lunch if the game have license pool version

Shop Page

Figure 5

Shop page have some improve see this wiki to read it

Event Page

Figure 6

This page for the games Events and tournaments to make member joins this events and read details about it

Switch Main Page

Enable the "Show game page as default" option in CP settings to bypass the Home Page and direct clients to the Games Page upon login.

You can skip Home Page when client login and go to Games Page directly by enabling Show game page as default option in CP settings (Figure 1).

Figure 1
