Wiki Home Client Interface Run iCafeMenu before desktop

Run iCafeMenu before desktop

icafemenu, desktop, shell

To ensure iCafeMenu runs before the desktop, follow these steps.

  1. To initiate a seamless transition into the iCafeMenu shell without the desktop interface enable “Run iCafeMenu before desktop” from Settings - client sittings.( Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Once you enable iCafeMenu before desktop ,  enable super client at one of the PCs and boot it.
  2. Once booted at iCafeMenu Login interface reboot the pc again so the changes get effect
  3. After reboot you will noticed the explorer is not more accessible and iCafeMenu can be used only,
  4. Shutdown the PC and disable the super client to save the changes.
  5. iCafeMenu will replace the Windows shell explorer.exe on booting and windows apps can be used after iCafeMenu started.
