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Install iCafeMenu on HDD

install, icafemenu, local, disk, hdd, ssd

  • Although it can operate without it, ICafeMenu was created for a diskless system like CCBoot. But you can also install iCafeCloud on a disk system .

Server Installation

  1. Whether you install games on the server or not, you still need to install iCafeCloud server on one PC. This is necessary to update iCafeMenu itself.
  2. Next login to panel
  3. Open web admin and at settings - client settings scroll down where it says “run iCafeMenu on diskless” select NO (Figure 1). iCafeMenu will auto update from server on each start.

Figure 1

  1. Next navigate to “Games” and click on the “Game settings” (Figure 2)

Figure 2

  1. Set the Main Game Drive as the drive letter for your client PCs. All client PCs should have the same game path, set the game path directly on each client PC.(Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. Next step is to enable and install ICafeMenu from the game page.
  2. Navigate to "Games", search for iCafeMenu, right-click, and then select "Enable Game". (Figure 4)

Figure 4

  1. The default path will be the main game drive (D:). However, if your client PCs only have one SSD (C:) change the "Main game drive" to C:  (Figure 5)

Figure 5

  1. Once the download of iCafeMenu has completed on server it will be located to \internet tools\icafemenu.
  2.  Before continue on the next step make sure your network sharing is working and network discovery is working on both sides (server and client).
  3. The next step is to refresh the iCafeCloud server. This will trigger the "gamefix" process and automatically create the iCafeMenu shared folder. (Figure 6)

Figure 6

Client installation

  1. On the client side, copy iCafeMenu from the server's shared folder. (You can find the shared folder by typing the server's IP address in any folder address bar, for example: \
  2. iCafeMenu requires administrator privileges, so please disable UAC on the client PCs.
    Some centers may not be able to auto-run iCafeMenu, mainly due to UAC or lack of admin privileges.
    (Figure 7 & 8)

Figure 7

Figure 8

  1. You have to run iCafeMenu as an administrator on each PC for the first time. After the initial run, it will auto-start, and you will see the iCafeMenu login screen.(Figure 9)

Figure 9

  1. Additionally, you can set iCafeMenu to run before the desktop using the "Set iCafeMenu to run before the desktop" function in the admin panel.
  2. Once PC is booted and iCafeMenu is launched, the PC will be available on the computers page(Figure 10)

Figure 10

  1. After the client has been listed, you can control them as required and start sessions.
  2. Every time the client is restarted, iCafeMenu automatically gets the latest update from the server by running the icafemenu-update.bat file. Once the auto-update is complete, it will create a log file where you can see all the details. (Figure 11)

Figure 11

Update games

  1. If your server, where iCafeCloud is installed, doesn't act as a game server or doesn't have any games, you would update the game on each client directly.
  2. However, if you have a disk on the server with all the games, you should update the game on the server first. Enable  Games fixes on Admin panel and then, use a sync tool like Robocopy to update the game on each client PC from the server. This will make game updates easier.For example, you can first share the server game drive and then run the following command at each client:
    robocopy \\server_ip\game_drive\game_folder "game_drive:\game_folder" * /E /V /XJ /SL

Stop iCafeMenu auto run

  1. If there's a fatal error with iCafeMenu, possibly due to an incomplete update, it could be causing the client's PC to reboot. To resolve this issue, boot the client PC into “Safe mode” and remove iCafeMenu.
  2. Afterward, reboot the client, and it should start normally on the desktop. To restore the iCafeMenu interface and ensure it auto-starts again, download a fresh copy from the shared folder.
