Wiki Home Settings page [API settings]

[API settings]


  1. From the "Settings" page of the Cloud Panel, you can generate your API key by pressing the create button (Figure 1). The api key expiration time is one year.

Figure 1

  1. Once you create a new API key, the old API key will become invalid. We only support one API key at a time.
  2. Click the "Copy" button and save your api key. It's only shown once.
  3. API docs (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. You need to add a http header with the "Authorization: Bearer api_key" to authenticate the API access.
  2. To add parameters on the API use Body and not Headers.[On postman can use Body , Form-data and add parameters. [Figure 3]

Figure 3

  1. The API endpoint URL should always use HTTPS not HTTP. First you need to use to get server code, then your endpoint is "https://" + serverCode + "/".

Figure 4

  1. Notify balance changes to client PC. Once you've initiated the top-up API call, the next step would be to call the pushClientstatus API. This step is crucial as it ensures that the client's PC is notified of the update.
  2. For the API to auto add bonus on topup use:
    To get the bonus =  POST api/v2/cafe/{cafeId}/members/action/fetchBonus
    And use it as parameter at = POST api/v2/cafe/{cafeId}/members/action/topup -> topup_balance_bonus (Figure 5)

Figure 5