Wiki Home Settings page Start billing after

Start billing after

start, billing, after

To offer your customers complimentary time before their prepaid session begins, please follow the guide below.

  1. This feature allows prepaid session clients to preserve their balance while converting to a member through the client interface by giving them an X number of free minutes (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. If using the balance of customer : time will be shown as the following : the time remaining for the balance of the customer + the free time set on ‘’start billing after’’.
  2. If using an offer for the customer : time will be shown as the following : the time remaining for this offer + the free time set on ‘’start billing after’’

  1. Example 1:
    "Start billing" is set to 3 minutes, and a 60-minute prepaid session is initiated. If the customer's account is created in 3 minutes or less on the client side, the auto check out occurs after the submission, and he must log in again using his new credentials. On this new account, he will have
    60 minutes left.

  1. Example 2 :
    "Start billing" is set to 3 minutes, and a 60-minute prepaid session is initiated. If the customer's account is created in 5 minutes on the client side, After that, the auto check out occurs after the submission, and he must log in again using his new credentials. On this new account, he will have
    58 minutes left.

  1. This also applies if the "start an offer session" option is selected and a guest converts to a member in less than 3 minutes. The time will be preserved on his offer's time.