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Run commands when member Login or Logout

run, commands, member, login, logout

In the recent update of iCafeCloud client (icafemenu) we have added better support to run commands when member/user login to icafemenu or start a session from cloud panel as well as when member logs out or session is ended from Cloud panel.

  1. Create a bat file named “login.bat” as well as “logout.bat” in the “iCafeMenu” folder (Figure 1).

Figure 1

  1. Put your commands that you want to run during member login or session start in the “login.bat” (Figure 2).

Figure 2

  1. Put the commands that you want to run when session ends or member logout in the “logout.bat” (Figure 3).

Figure 3

  1. The corresponding commands will run when user login or logout.


  • You can use login.bat and logout.bat to delete or clear data from previous sessions as well as close/exit applications that are open when a member logs out or another member logs in.
  • Also, If you were using the “Run” option after checkout before, then you can replace it with using “logout.bat” as this does exactly the same.
