iCafeCloud Wiki Settings page

  1. == Center settings ==
  2. Change language
  3. Set timezone
  4. == Client settings ==
  5. Set client idle PC
  6. Set web log
  7. Set iCafeMenu fullscreen
  8. Set Client Theme Color
  9. Customize center logo
  10. Turn the game tracker ON or OFF
  11. Convert to member
  12. Set alert for the last offer
  13. Register member at client
  14. QR topup with Stripe
  15. QR topup with Paysley
  16. QR topup with Yoomoney
  17. == Game  settings ==
  18. == Members settings ==
  19. Reset game coins
  20. Reset member points
  21. New member offer
  22. Duplicate member information
  23. == Shop Settings ==
  24. Allow refund offer used within
  25. Conquer Online trade
  26. == Payment settings ==
  27. Set currency symbol
  28. Start billing after
  29. Different payment methods
  30. Define price buttons
  31. Prepaid session change option
  32. Allow offer session
  33. Auto loan
  34. Set tax
  35. Set Russian taxes
  36. KKM server hardware
  37. Shtrih and Atol Cash registers with KKM
  38. KKM credit card
  39. Use Znak with KKM
  40. Steps for installing Atol Printer
  41. == Loyalty settings ==
  42. Point system and its usage
  43. Topup and bonus function
  44. Use bonus first
  45. Run commands when member Login or Logout
  46. Use run command function
  47. == Protection settings ==
  48. == API settings ==
  49. Get parameters format in API
  50. API limitations
  51. Server and client installer
  52. == Employees settings ==
  53. Edit employees access
  54. Manager account
  55. Change admin password
  56. == Center news settings ==