Wiki Home Settings page Customize center logo

Customize center logo

customize, center, logo, Login, background

You can display your customized center logo, login screen, and background picture or video in the client interface by following this guide.

  1. You can now customize the client interface with images and videos or change themes and colors.
  2. Navigate to settings and then client settings, you will find all the options here as:
    Client login can choose between image and video with dimensions of 1920x1080, JPEG or PNG and size up to 2MB
    Client background can choose between image and video with dimensions of 1920x1080, JPEG or PNG and size up to 2MB
    Center Logo can only use image with dimensions of 96x96 JPEG or PNG
    Member default logo can only use image with dimensions of 96x96 JPEG or PNG  ( Figure 1)

Figure 1

  1. Select the images you want to add or change and Click save.
  2. For Video changes you can follow the article here
  3. After that, you can see it on the client interface and cloud panel (Figure 2,3).

Figure 2

Figure 3

  1. If you wish to revert to the default image, you can find it within the "icafemenu" folder. It is typically downloaded to its default location at: E:\Apps\iCafeMenu\html\images\csgo.jpg
