Wiki Home Computers page PC logs

PC logs

logs, computer

The PC logs in iCafeCloud automatically record user activities and financial transactions on specific PCs, accessible to cashiers via the "PC log" option. Filters include client name, employee name, and event title, with admin accounts having full access to log intervals. Check the figures below for a brief explanation.

A PC log is an automatically generated, time, user, and money-stamped record of events that occur on the designated PC, as shown below (Figure 1).

Figure 1

By right-clicking the chosen PC and selecting "PC log," the cashier may access the record of any PC. (Figure 2)

Figure 2

The data log may also be filtered by client name, employee name, and event title (Figure 3 & 4).

Figure 3

Figure 4


Except for the admin account, where the PC log may be seen at any time interval requested (Figure 5), an employee and manager can only examine the record of the PCs in their shift time lap.

Figure 5
