Wiki Home Computers page Server Remote Control

Server Remote Control

server, remote, control

To remote the iCafeCloud Server PC you can follow these steps below .

Admins can remotely access the PC where iCafeCloud is installed. To do this, click on the center logo located in the top right corner of the admin panel and select "Remote Control" (Figure 1).

Figure 1

To disable the VNC remote server, please follow the steps below:

For CCBootCloud Users:
1. Locate the `ccbootcloud.ini` file in the CCBoot folder on your PC.
2. Edit the `ccbootcloud.ini` file and add the following line in the [Config] section: `EnableVnc=0`.

For iCafeCloud Users:
1. Locate the `menuserver.ini` file in the icafecloudserver folder on your PC.
2. Edit the `menuserver.ini` file and add the following line in the [Config] section: `EnableVnc=0`.
